What Is A Condominium In Illinois?


A  condominium (condo) is a type of real estate divided into several  units. Each unit is separately owned. The common areas are jointly owned  by condominium owners.

Condominiums  Associations (Condos) include multi-unit apartments and townhouse and  some single family houses. There are also office and store condos. While  co-ops are a bit different the following generally apply.

Condominium  Associations have liens on the individual properties. Generally the  liens are subordinate to mortgages and any other recorded liens.

Condos are generally governed by Homeowners Association (HOA). Larger condo most frequently employs a management company.

Condominiums  in Illinois are governed by the CONDOMIUM PROPERTY ACT (765 ILCS 605/).  The contents of the law can be found at the following site:

PROPERTY (765 ILCS 605/) Condominium Property Act.

What Are Condominium Dues?

Owners  of Condo units are responsible for monthly dues or assessments. In  addition the Condo Association can levy special assessments; assess  fines; and sometimes charges for work done on an individual condo. The  special assessments can be required to be paid in a lump sum or over a  period of time.

What Happens If Someone Falls Behind Their Condominium Dues?

Generally  monthly condo payments are due on the first of the month. If received  after the 15th of the month a late charge is levied.

When  the condo is behind 31 days or more the Association will send a  collection letter for the full amount due and the day it expect the  payment to be made. Since many Associations hire Management Companies it  will send the letter which will likely include another fee. The  collection letter must comply with the Fair Debt Collection Practices  Act allowing the condo owner time to dispute the delinquency and/or the  amount demanded.

At some point the Association will refer the matter to a law firm who concentrates in collecting defaulted condo dues.

Generally,  they too will send a demand letter which will include so-called  reasonable attorney’s fees. It has been our experience that the  so-called reasonable fees are steep.

As the  matter progresses there will be a title search and thereafter a recorded  Lien placed on the unit. Again more costs and fees.

What Is Forcible Entry And Detainer (Eviction)?

The  Condo Association can proceed with a law suit to gain possession of the  unit. If a judgment is entered the possession can be enforced by the  sheriff. If successful in the eviction the condo association can rent  the unit and apply the rents to offset the delinquency.

Can A Condominium Be Foreclosed?

While  rare the Association can actually file a foreclosure. It is rare  because most condo have mortgages and other liens making it impractical.  But if there is a lot of equity there is nothing to stop them.

When  the condo unit is subject a foreclosure or if the condo owner abandons  the unit a Money Judgment can be entered against the owner. After that  they can pursue collection the same as other creditors including wage  garnishments and bank garnishments.

What Are Some Potential Solutions To Condominium Foreclosure?

Chapter 13

A  condo owner can file a Chapter 13 assuming the ability to pay the  current monthly condo dues and repay the back amounts over a period up  to 5 years

Chapter 7

At  any time the condo unit owner can file a Chapter 7 to obtain a  discharge of back condo dues (although a lien will remain.) However, the  unit owner is legally responsible for future condo dues.

Frequently  there is a pending foreclosure which will end with a sheriff’s sale.  The unit owner can file a Chapter 7 and receive a discharge of the  mortgage debt and condo arrearages but will have to pay future dues.  Pending an eventually move this might be cheap rent.

On  the other hand if the unit owner has moved out of the unit it might  well be best to wait to file a Chapter 7 until after the mortgage  company completes its sheriff’s sale.

If you are  have a condo dues arrears problem please feel free to contact us. We  can discuss your problem and let you know what options you have. Our  consultation is Complimentary and confidential

For more information on Condominium Foreclosure In Illinois, a Complimentary consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling today.

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