
If you default on your car payments, the lender or dealer won’t wait  long to repossess. You do not have to just let this happen! Filing for  bankruptcy can stop repossession. Even if the “repo man” has already  taken your vehicle, there may be a chance to get it back if you act  fast. If

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Repossession Video

Payday Loans

You probably had little choice when you took out a payday loan. You  have bills to pay. Your family needs to eat. You probably knew that the  interest rate was very high, but again you didn’t have a lot of options.  Now the amount you owe has mushroomed, maybe double or triple of what  you

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Loans Payday Video

How Do Parking Tickets And Arrests Contribute To Debt?

The city of Chicago is aggressively looking for infractions on  parking meters and red light cameras. When people cannot pay  immediately, these fees and fines are doubled. People then cannot  possibly catch up. Parking tickets and red light tickets are not  dischargeable in a chapter 7 bankruptcy but are dischargeable in chapter 13. We frequently do chapter

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Arrests Tickets Video

What Is A Chapter 11 Reorganization For Small Businesses?

Corporations (including Not-For-Profit Corporations), Partnerships,  and Individuals who exceed the debts limits for a Chapter 13 are  candidates for a Chapter 11. The  definition of a Small Business in a Chapter 11 is one where the debts  don’t exceed about $2.5 million (currently $2,566,050). The debt limit  excludes amounts owed to persons considered “insiders” such

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