What Is A Condominium In Illinois?

Condominiums A  condominium (condo) is a type of real estate divided into several  units. Each unit is separately owned. The common areas are jointly owned  by condominium owners. Condominiums  Associations (Condos) include multi-unit apartments and townhouse and  some single family houses. There are also office and store condos. While  co-ops are a bit different the

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Stop Creditor Actions

Filing  for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy gives you immediate protection.  By law, creditors cannot initiate new actions, continue to garnish your  wages or even contact you to demand payment. Robert J. Adams & Associates is aggressive in invoking and enforcing the automatic stay of bankruptcy. Our Chicago bankruptcy lawyers can file your bankruptcy  petition right

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Reorganizing An Individual’s Business Under Chapter 13

An individual business can reorganize through a Chapter 13. The one  limitation is that secured debts must be under $1,184,200 and unsecured  debts must be under $394,725. If the debts exceed these amounts the  individual will have to file a Chapter 11 to reorganize the business. The benefits of a Small Business Chapter 13 The

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Chapter 13 Video

Payday Loans

You probably had little choice when you took out a payday loan. You  have bills to pay. Your family needs to eat. You probably knew that the  interest rate was very high, but again you didn’t have a lot of options.  Now the amount you owe has mushroomed, maybe double or triple of what  you

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Loans Payday Video

How Can Individually Owned Businesses File for Bankruptcy?

CHAPTER 7 When  a sole proprietorship simply cannot continue to pay his/her debts a  Chapter 7 may be the best option. A sole proprietorship can include a  married couple owning the business together. It must be remembered that  when a sole proprietor files a Chapter 7 the person is filing the case.  So the filing

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